Types to synchronize page (Integration for IBM Rational DOORS)
This page of Integration for IBM Rational DOORS allows you to specify which item and diagram types are included in the Synchronization process.
Each item or diagram is exported to the DOORS surrogate module as a surrogate object. To minimize synchronization times and the size of surrogate modules in DOORS, only synchronize item and diagram types that are relevant.
To include item and diagram types in the synchronization, select the check boxes associated with those item and diagram types in the Item Types and Diagram Types lists.
In addition to the common navigation buttons, the following controls appear on this page of Integration for IBM Rational DOORS.
Item Types list - lists the item types in the model and the Stereotypes that apply to item types in the model:
Selecting a Stereotype that overrides the type name means that items in the model that have been directly stereotyped by that Stereotype are included in the synchronization. Note that If you select a Stereotype to include customized items in the synchronization, you do not need to also select the check box associated with the item type that is overridden by the Stereotype.
Selecting a Stereotype that does not override the type name means that you can synchronize the tagged values of non-reference Tag Definitions that are applied by that Stereotype. Selecting a Stereotype that does not override the type name does not result in any items being included in the synchronization.
Diagram Types list - lists the diagram types in the model and the Stereotypes that apply to diagram types in the model.
Selecting a Stereotype that overrides the type name means that diagrams in the model that have been directly stereotyped by that Stereotype are included in the synchronization. Note that If you select a Stereotype to include customized diagrams in the synchronization, you do not need to also select the check box associated with the diagram type that is overridden by the Stereotype.
Selecting a Stereotype that does not override the type name means that you can synchronize the tagged values of non-reference Tag Definitions that are applied by that Stereotype. Selecting a Stereotype that does not override the type name does not result in any diagrams being included in the synchronization.
Export Diagram Image check box - exports diagram representations to the DOORS environment. Integration for IBM Rational DOORS creates the diagram image in the Formal Module of PTC Integrity Modeler Model column. Including diagram images will increase the size of the surrogate module and the time taken to synchronize a Model and the image will be updated each time the DOORS object is synchronized.
Diagram representations are not created for Text Diagrams; however, you can display the text of a Text Diagram in DOORS as plain text by synchronizing the Text property.
Bitmap/Metafile list (appears only when Export Diagram Image check box is selected) - specifies whether diagram images are imported to DOORS as bitmap images or metafiles:
When imported as bitmaps, a scaled bitmap version of each diagram image is imported to DOORS.
When imported as metafiles, an unscaled metafile version of each diagram image is imported.
Metafiles have the advantage of being more scalable than bitmaps, however, the diagram images will not include all the latest style features of diagrams, such as transparency.
Export Sequence Steps as Child Items check box - exports Sequence Diagram steps (Statements) as child items.
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