Requirement property mapping page (Integration for IBM Rational DOORS)
This page of Integration for IBM Rational DOORS allows you to map Requirement attributes in DOORS to properties in Modeler.
If you want DOORS to allocate Ids to requirements, ensure that you map the <Object Identifier> attribute to a Modeler property, such as Name - Integration for IBM Rational DOORS will always update the Modeler property from the <Object Identifier> attribute, regardless of the synchronization direction.
In addition to the common navigation buttons, the following controls appear on this page of Integration for IBM Rational DOORS:
Properties Mappings list - lists the items that are included in the synchronization.
In the DOORS Attribute column, expand each item to see how each object attribute is mapped to a Modeler property. For each attribute, in the Modeler Property column select the required Modeler property.
If through a Stereotype you apply Tag Definitions to a listed item in the Modeler model, those Tag Definitions appear for selection in the Modeler Property column. <none> results in the DOORS attribute not being synchronized.
Export RTF Properties as Plain Text check box - specifies that rich text fields are exported as plain text, rather than rich text. Note that RTF support in DOORS is not as rich as RTF support in Modeler, so color, font and point size information is lost. In addition, model object references are stored as plain text.
Export Diagram Image check box - specifies that an image of each Requirements Diagram and Use Case Diagram is exported to DOORS. Integration for IBM Rational DOORS creates diagram images in the Formal Module of PTC Integrity Modeler Model column in DOORS and the image will be updated each time the DOORS object is synchronized.
Bitmap/Metafile list (appears only when Export Diagram Image check box is selected) - specifies whether diagram images are imported to DOORS as bitmap images or metafiles:
When imported as bitmaps, a scaled bitmap version of each diagram image is imported to DOORS.
When imported as metafiles, an unscaled metafile version of each diagram image is imported.
Metafiles have the advantage of being more scalable than bitmaps, however, the diagram images will not include all the latest style features of diagrams, such as transparency.
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