Integrations (PTC products, 3rd party products and code) > 3rd party product integrations (CM, DOORS, Rose, Simulink and XML) > Integration for IBM Rational DOORS > Concepts > Strategy for creating requirements, supporting items and traceability relationships (Integration for IBM Rational DOORS)
Strategy for creating requirements, supporting items and traceability relationships (Integration for IBM Rational DOORS)
You can create SysML requirements, supporting items (Actors, Comments, Constraints, Problems, Rationales, Requirement Diagrams, Use Cases and Use Case Diagrams) and traceability relationships in either the Modeler or DOORS environment; Integration for IBM Rational DOORS synchronizes Requirements and their supporting items between the two environments.
It is worth remembering that when you create a model item or diagram in the Modeler model, that item or diagram is not going to be represented in the DOORS surrogate module until a synchronization is performed. This makes creating requirements and traceability links in Modeler, rather than in DOORS, advantageous because the model items and diagram are available for linking without having to perform a synchronization; however, there are other issues that you should consider.
Creation and maintenance of requirements
Typically, you will start a project with requirements defined in a Modeler Model or in a DOORS surrogate module:
If you have SysML Requirements defined in Modeler but not in DOORS, you can use Integration for IBM Rational DOORS to export those Requirements to a DOORS surrogate module (Synchronization Direction set to Modeler -> DOORS).
If you have requirements defined in a DOORS surrogate module, you can use Integration for IBM Rational DOORS to import those requirements to a Modeler Model. (Synchronization Direction set to DOORS -> Modeler).
After you have synchronized your requirements between Modeler and DOORS, you can create and maintain those requirements in DOORS, Modeler or both environments.
You should make a decision as to whether you are going to create and maintain requirements in Modeler, DOORS or both, and then set up your Integration for IBM Rational DOORS Mappings accordingly:
If Modeler, ensure that the Synchronization Direction that is set in your Mappings is set to Modeler -> DOORS.
If DOORS, ensure that the Synchronization Direction that is set in your Mappings is set to DOORS -> Modeler.
If both, ensure that the Synchronization Direction that is set in your Mappings is set to Modeler <-> DOORS.
If a requirement has been changed in both environments a clash can occur. When a clash occurs, you are prompted to resolve the clash, either before or during the synchronization depending on whether the Perform Clash Analysis check box is selected.
Creation and maintenance of requirement supporting items
When Integration for IBM Rational DOORS synchronizes Modeler Requirements with a DOORS surrogate module, the following item types can be included in the synchronization:
Relationship Diagrams
Use Case Diagrams
Use Cases
In the DOORS surrogate module, the preceding item types are represented as formal objects that have their 'SysML Model Element Type' attribute set to either Actor, Comment, Constraint, Problem, Rationale, requirementDiagram, Use Case or Use Case Diagram.
If you want to use the preceding item types to extend the definition of your requirements, we recommend that you create and define these items in the Modeler environment, because it is easier to do so.
You can create and define formal objects in the DOORS surrogate module and then make Integration for IBM Rational DOORS create the preceding items in the Modeler Model, but it is not so easy to do so.
Creation and maintenance of SysML traceability relationships
When Integration for IBM Rational DOORS synchronizes a Modeler Package with a DOORS surrogate module or surrogate module, you can include the following SysML relationship types in the synchronization:
In the DOORS surrogate module or surrogate module, the preceding traceability relationships are represented as links that have their ART Link Type attribute set to either allocatedTo, derivedFrom, refines, satisfies, tracesTo or verifies.
If you want to use the preceding traceability relationships with your requirements, we recommend that you create and define these relationships in Modeler because it is easier to do so.
You create the links in the DOORS environment, but when synchronizing them to Modeler you will be prompted to select the traceability relationship type to create for each link in the Modeler model.
The Link Synchronization Direction options determine whether traceability links are exported from Modeler to DOORS, imported from DOORS to Modeler, or both:
If the Link Synchronization Direction is set to Modeler -> DOORS, the selected traceability link types are exported from Modeler to DOORS.
If the Link Synchronization Direction is set to DOORS -> Modeler, the selected traceability link types are imported from DOORS to Modeler.
If the Link Synchronization Direction is set to Modeler <-> DOORS, the selected traceability link types are both exported from Modeler to DOORS, and imported from DOORS to Modeler.
If a traceability relationship has been changed in both environments a clash can occur. When a clash occurs, you are prompted to resolve the clash, either before or during the synchronization depending on whether the Perform Clash Analysis check box is selected.
Other factors
When deciding on how you are going to create and maintain your requirements, supporting items and traceability relationships, you should also consider the following factors as well.
The size of your Modeler model.
If you have a large Modeler model, synchronizing the Model with DOORS surrogate modules may be more time consuming. In which case, creating SysML requirements and traceability relationships in the Modeler model rather than in DOORS may be a better solution for you.
How often you are going to create new requirements.
If you are regularly going to create new requirements and those requirements need to be in Modeler to create the traceability relationships, creating requirements only in the DOORS environment will mean that you will have to synchronize the Modeler Model with the DOORS surrogate modules each time you create a new requirement.
How often you intend to synchronize your Modeler Models with DOORS surrogate modules.
If you only want to synchronize Modeler with DOORS at significant points in the project, we recommend that you create and maintain SysML Requirements and traceability relationships in the Modeler environment, and then synchronize with DOORS when appropriate.