Setting a configuration parameter through a parameter file (ACS)
You can set Configuration Parameters through Configuration Parameter files.
By default, ACS (and TDK) looks in the ItsShadow\Exe folder for a Configuration Parameter File named ShdConfig.par. Then ACS looks in the same folder for a Configuration Parameters File named AcsConfig.par. When a Configuration Parameters File is found, that file's Configuration Parameters are processed.
In a Configuration Parameters file you can use the ParamFile configuration parameter to reference a different Configuration Parameters file.
To create a configuration parameters file for ACS:
1. Using a text editor, such as Notepad, create a text file named AcsConfig.par.
2. Save the file in the ItsShadow\Exe folder.
If you have installed Modeler to the default location, the path of the ItsShadow\Exe folder is as follows.
For 64-bit versions of Windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PTC Integrity Modeler\Modeler\ItsShadow\Exe
For 32-bit versions of Windows:
C:\Program Files\PTC Integrity Modeler\Modeler\ItsShadow\Exe
To set configuration parameters through a configuration parameter file for ACS:
1. Using a text editor, such as Notepad, open the AcsConfig.par configuration parameter file.
2. Type the names of the Configuration Parameters you want to use or create, including any values you want to set. Ensure that each Configuration Parameter starts on a new line and is not prefixed with a dash. For example:
For more information about the available Configuration Parameters, see Overview of configuration parameters (ACS).