Creating links on a package diagram (UML Standard profile)
You can create Access, Dependency, Import, Nesting Link, Package Merge, Profile Application and Realization links on a Package Diagram. In addition, if you have added the SysML profile you can create Conform relationship links on a Package Diagram.
For information about creating OVM relationships on a Package Diagram, click here
The View and Viewpoint items, and the Conforms relationship are available only if both the SysML and UML Standard profiles have been added to the model.
To create an access or import relationship:
1. On the diagram's toolbar, click the Access or Import button.
2. Click the start item - a Model Representation, Package, Profile Representation or View.
3. Click the end item - a Model Representation, Package, Profile Representation, Model Library, Viewpoint or View.
4. If a context menu appears, click New to create a new Access or Import relationship. To add an existing Access or Import relationship, click the appropriate command for that relationship.
5. Type a new name if required, and then press the Enter key.
To create a profile application relationship:
1. On the diagram's toolbar, click the Profile Application button.
2. Click Model Representation, and then click the Profile Representation.
3. If a context menu appears, click New to create a new Profile Application relationship. To add an existing Profile Application relationship, click the appropriate command for that relationship.
4. Type a new name if required, and then press the Enter key.
5. If you do not want the Profile Application relationship to be strict, set the isStrict tag definition to FALSE:
a. Open the Profile Application's Property Pages.
b. Click the ProfileApplication tab.
c. Select the isStrict entry.
d. Click the Tag Value cell that displays TRUE, and select FALSE from the list.
To create a conform relationship:
1. On the diagram's toolbar, click the Conform button.
2. Click the View, and then click the Viewpoint.
3. If a context menu appears, click New to create a new Conform relationship. To add an existing Conform relationship, click the appropriate command for that relationship.
4. Type a new name if required, and then press the Enter key.
To create a dependency:
1. On the diagram's toolbar, click the Abstraction, Dependency, Realization or Usage button.
2. Click the start item, and then click the end item.
To create a nesting link:
1. On the diagram's toolbar, click the Contained Class Link button.
2. Click the nesting Package, Profile Representation, Model Library or Model Representation.
3. Click the nested Package, Profile Representation, Model Library or Model Representation.
To create a package merge relationship:
1. On the diagram's toolbar, click the Package Merge button.
2. Click the start Package, and then click the end Package.
3. If a context menu appears, click New to create a new Package Merge relationship. To add an existing Package Merge relationship, click the appropriate command for that relationship.
4. Type a new name if required, and then press the Enter key.
To create a realization:
1. On the diagram's toolbar, click the Realization button.
2. Click the start item, and then click the end item.
3. If a context menu appears, click New to create a new Realization relationship. To add an existing Realization relationship, click the appropriate command for that relationship.
4. Type a new name if required, and then press the Enter key.