SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles
SysML profile
Requirements on diagrams (not requirement diagrams)
Creating requirements and their relationships on a diagram
Creating a verify relationship on a diagram (SysML)
Creating a verify relationship on a diagram (SysML)
This topic provides information for creating a Verify relationship through a Diagram. For information about creating Verify relationships through a Modeler pane or a Requirement Diagram, see
Creating a verify relationship on a requirement diagram
Creating a verify relationship through a Modeler pane
To create a verify relationship on a diagram:
If you have not done so already, add the Requirement to the diagram.
On the diagram's toolbar, click the
Verify Dependency button.
Click the item that verifies the Requirement, and then click the Requirement.
Note that you can create verify relationships between Requirements and items through an appropriate pane. For more information, click here