Integrations (PTC products, 3rd party products and code) > Code integration (Ada, ARINC 653, C, C#, C++, IDL, Java, SQL and VB) > SDL script for generating code > Keywords > Overview of keywords (SDL script) — Keywords for if...then...else statements and loops
Overview of keywords (SDL script) — Keywords for if...then...else statements and loops
If...then...else statements:
If...then...else statement
Provides conditional execution of statements.
Optional keyword that specifies statements to run when the condition is false.
Specifies end of an if...then...else statement.
Specifies the condition in an if...then...else statement.
Specifies statements to run when the condition is true.
For loops:
For loop
Provides iterative processing of items liked to the current item, or iterative processing of items in a list.
Specifies end of a For loop.
Optional keyword that exits a For loop.
Specifies start of a For loop.
While loops:
While loop
Provides conditional execution of statements.
Specifies end of a While loop.
Optional keyword that exits a While loop.
Specifies start of a While loop.