UML Modeling Techniques > Class modeling > Associations and io flows > Changing the source and target items of an IO flow to those of a realizing link
Changing the source and target items of an IO flow to those of a realizing link
When an IO Flow is realized by an Association, Control Flow, Exception Handler or Object Flow, you can set the source and target items of the IO Flow to those of the Association, Control Flow, Exception Handler or Object Flow (assuming that the linked items are valid for an IO Flow).
To change the source and target items of an IO flow to those of a realizing link:
1. Open a diagram that shows the IO Flow on Association, Control Flow, Exception Handler or Object Flow.
2. Right-click the IO Flow, and then click Set Ends to Realizing Link Ends.
Modeler sets the Source item of the IO Flow to the source item of the Association, Control Flow, Exception Handler or Object Flow, and sets the Target item of the IO Flow to the target item of the Association, Control Flow, Exception Handler or Object Flow.