This property specifies which of the following symbols a General Flow Diagram Node represents:
• Accept Event
• Action
• Activity Final
• Decision
• Flow Final
• Fork
• Initial
• Object
• Send Signal
When you create a General Flow Diagram Node, the Node Type is determined by the button or command you use to add the General Flow Diagram Node to the diagram.
On a General Flow Diagram, the Node Type determines the notation of the General Flow Diagram Node.
Accept Event
When the Node Type is set to Signal Receive, the General Flow Diagram Node represents a signal being received.
When shown on a General Flow Diagram, the following notation is used.
When the Node Type is set to Action, the General Flow Diagram Node represents an action. Depending on what you are modeling, an action may be an Event, Operation or Use Case in the Model. You should link the Action to the item it represents.
If you drag an Operation onto a General Flow Diagram, Modeler sets the Node Type of the General Flow Diagram Node to Action.
When shown on a General Flow Diagram, the following notation is used.
If you link a diagram to an Action, the appearance of the Action is as follows:
Activity Final
When the Node Type is set to Activity Final, the General Flow Diagram Node represents an Activity Final that indicates that an object ceases to exist.
When shown on a General Flow Diagram, the following notation is used.
When the Node Type is set to Decision, the General Flow Diagram Node represents a Decision that chains together multiple General Flow Diagram Flows. Use a Decision to construct complex transition paths between Actions. For example, to converge multiple incoming General Flow Diagram Flows into a single outgoing General Flow Diagram Flow, and to split an incoming General Flow Diagram Flow into multiple outgoing General Flow Diagram Flows with different guard conditions.
When shown on a General Flow Diagram, the following notation is used.
Flow Final
When the Node Type is set to Flow Final, the General Flow Diagram Node represents a termination of a flow.
When shown on a General Flow Diagram, the following notation is used.
When the Node Type is set to Fork, the General Flow Diagram Node represents a Fork that splits or merges General Flow Diagram Flows.
When shown on a General Flow Diagram, the following notation is used.
When the Node Type is set to Initial, the General Flow Diagram Node represents an Initial that indicates the point from which a General Flow Diagram Flow leads an object to the state it acquires at instantiation.
When shown on a General Flow Diagram, the following notation is used.
When the Node Type is set to Object, the General Flow Diagram Node represents an object instance. You should link the Object to the item it represents.
If you drag an item (except an Operation) onto a General Flow Diagram, Modeler sets the Node Type of the General Flow Diagram Node to Object.
When shown on a General Flow Diagram, the following notation is used.
Send Signal
When the Node Type is set to Send Signal, the General Flow Diagram Node represents a signal being sent.
If you drag an Event onto a General Flow Diagram, Modeler sets the Node Type of the Activity Node Diagram to Send Signal.
When shown on a General Flow Diagram, the following notation is used.
The following section provides information about the items and diagrams for which Node Type is a property. For more information about an item or diagram, click it.