For automation interface information about the Hide Creation Commands property, see the automation interface topic for a Stereotype in the Related Topics.
This property specifies that when the Stereotype is applied to an item, that item's context menu hides the New and Populate submenus and their commands. This is useful when you are creating your own commands for items, and you do not want users to use the standard creation commands.
This property specifies that when the Stereotype is applied to an item or diagram, the following menus and commands are not available. This is useful when you are creating your own commands for items and diagrams, and you do not want users to use the standard creation commands.
• Diagram menu > Populate submenu
• Context menu > Populate submenu
• Context menu > New submenu
• Context menu > Roll Up, Roll Up Features, and Roll Up Contextual Features commands
By default, the Hide Creation Commands checkbox is cleared.
This property is set on the Directly-Stereotyped Options tab of a Stereotype's Property Pages.
This property cannot be changed when the 'Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Type' check box is selected on the Options tab.
• The 'Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Types' option does not apply a Stereotype's Hide Creation Commands behavior to any items.
• The Hide Creation Commands does not hide variability commands.
To write scripts you require a good working knowledge of the VBScript language, the Modeler Meta Model and the Modeler Automation Interface. If you run a script that has errors, those errors can corrupt Modeler model data and make Modeler crash.
The following section provides information about the items and diagrams for which Hide Creation Commands is a property. For more information about an item or diagram, click it.