Model Parts, Diagrams, Dictionary Items, and Properties > Properties > Create as note symbol (property)
Create as note symbol (property)
For automation interface information about the Create as Note Symbol property (Create As Note through the automation interface), see Stereotype (automation interface).
If you apply a Stereotype to an item and then drag that item to a diagram, the Create as Note Symbol property of the Stereotype affects how the item is added to the diagram:
If the Create as Note Symbol check box is selected - on the diagram, Modeler creates a Note that is linked to the item you dragged, even if the item type is not valid for the diagram type.
If the Create as Note Symbol check box is cleared - assuming the item type is valid for the diagram type, Modeler adds the item to the diagram using its default presentation. If the item is not valid for the diagram type, you cannot drag the item onto the diagram.
By default, the Create as Note Symbol check box is cleared.
This property is set through the Directly-Stereotyped Options tab of a Stereotype's Property Pages.
This property cannot be changed when the 'Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Type' check box is selected on the Options tab.
The 'Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Types' option does not apply a Stereotype's Create As Note Symbol behavior to any items.
The following section provides information about the items and diagrams for which Aspect Ratio is a property. For more information about an item or diagram, click it.
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