Model Parts, Diagrams, Dictionary Items, and Properties > Properties > Browsable (property)
Browsable (property)
For automation interface information about the Browsable property (Browseable through the automation interface), see the automation interface topic for the owning item type in the Related Topics.
This property applies to Packages, Stereotypes and Tag Definitions. For more information about creating panes for profile Packages, see the related topics.
For Packages
Use the Browsable property only with profile Packages that contain Stereotypes.
This property specifies that a profile Package is browsable. Modeler creates a pane for each browsable profile Package in a model.
By default, the Browsable check box is cleared.
This property is set on the Options tab of a Package's Property Pages.
After selecting the Browsable check box, Modeler creates a pane for the Package only after refreshing the explorer views (F10) or closing or reopening the model.
To change the Browsable property, you must have Owner access permissions to the Package.
For Stereotypes
This property specifies that a Stereotype is browsable. Modeler can show Stereotypes in panes created for browsable profile Packages, but only those Stereotypes that are browsable.
By default, the Browsable check box is cleared.
This property is set on the Directly-Stereotyped Options tab of a Stereotype's Property Pages.
This property cannot be changed when the 'Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Item Type' check box is selected on the Options tab.
To change the Browsable property, you must have Owner access permissions to the Stereotype's Package.
For Tag Definitions
This property specifies that a Tag Definition is browsable. Modeler can show Tag Definitions in panes created for browsable profile Package, but only when the following conditions are true:
The Tag Definition's Stereotype is browsable.
The Tag Definition's Data Type is Reference.
The Tag Definition is set up as browsable.
An item in the pane references another item through the Tag Definition.
If you expand a Tag Definition in a pane, the referenced items are shown.
By default, the Browsable check box is cleared.
This property is set on the Usage tab of a Tag Definition's Property Pages.
After selecting the Browsable check box, Modeler makes the Tag Definition available in the pane created for its Stereotype only after refreshing the explorer views (F10) or closing or reopening the model.
To change the Browsable property, you must have Owner access permissions to the Tag Definition's Package.
Is property of
Tag definition