Integrations (PTC products, 3rd party products and code) > 3rd party product integrations (CM, DOORS, Rose, Simulink and XML) > Configuration management tool integration > Commands > Configuration management submenu commands > Check out command (CM tool integration)
Check out command (CM tool integration)
This command checks out a Package or Model from the CM tool Model, so that you can change the Package or Model in Modeler. This command appears on the context menu when you right-click a Model or Package, and then point to Tools > Configuration Management.
A check out operation overwrites the Modeler Package or Model, including its content. After checking out a Package or Model, an outgoing (right pointing) arrow appears on its icon, and no other users can check out the Package or Model from the CM tool Model. After you have made the required changes to the Package or Model in Modeler, you check it in to the CM tool Model so that it is available to other users.
You can check out a Package or Model only if it is under configuration control and checked in to a CM tool Model.
When you perform a check out operation, you have the option to include sub-Packages and new sub-Packages. For more information, see Sub-package options for get latest and check out operations (CM tool integration). You also have the option to not update the Model from CM. Not updating the Model from CM saves time, but you should only do so if you are sure that the Model is up-to-date. If your model is not up-to-date and you check out Packages without updating the model from CM, when you check in the model you will lose changes that other users have checked in to the CM tool.
If the Package you want to check out is not in your Modeler Model, get the Package through its parent Model or Package, and then check out the Package. Use the Create Replica command to get a Model and its Package hierarchy the first time.
To check out a Package, you require:
In the CM tool, write access to the Package. Packages must be checked in.
In Modeler, Owner access permissions to the Package.
In Modeler - Database Write access permissions to check out any associated published Tag Definitions that are not present in the Model.
If you check out an item without having the database access properties required to check out its associated published Tag Definitions, the checking in of that item will result in the tagged values set for those Tag Definitions being lost. If Modeler cannot check out a published Tag Definition, it is reported in the Output pane.
The time taken to perform a check out operation will be reduced if you have write access to the Model and each Package in that Model, and in each case the Model or Package is not protected.
To use this command you require a Modeler license and a CM Integration license. In addition, this command is not available when the CM tool integration is disabled - you can enable and disable the CM tool integration through the Enable Configuration Management Integration check box for the General entry on the Tool Options dialog.