Checking a sequence diagram
• Right-click the diagram, point to Report, and then click Consistency.
The report is generated to the Output pane.
Modeler makes the following checks:
• Each Actor has at least one connection (a message to or from) on the diagram (C24002).
• Each Part or Port:
◦ exists on a Composite Structure Diagram (C20042).
◦ has at least one connection (a message to or from) on the diagram (C24004).
• Each Instance has at least one connection (a message to or from) on the diagram (C24004).
• Each Interface Device has at least one connection (a message to or from) on the diagram (C24003).
• Each message is not being called by an inactive Instance, that is, an Instance that is not called (C20034).
• Each Operation message belongs to a Class. Note that a message can be invalidated by moving the Operation to a different Class (C20005).
• Each Package has at least one connection (a message from or to) on the diagram (C24057)
• Each Start Selection, Start Iteration, Start Parallel and Also Parallel step has at least one sub statement (C20000).
• Each Subsystem has at least one connection (a message from or to) on the diagram (C24013).