Checking a variant diagram
• Right-click the diagram, point to Report, and then click Consistency.
The report is generated to the Output pane.
Note that the following consistency checks are made on all diagram types, because the variability items can appear on all diagram types.
Modeler makes the following checks:
• A Variation Point must be linked to at least one Variant through a Variability Dependency (C24070).
• A Variation Point must not have more than one Variation Dependency to the same Variant (C24072).
• An Alternative Choice must have at least two linked Variability Dependencies (C20100).
• The minimum multiplicity of an Alternative Choice must be less than or equal to the number of linked Variability Dependencies (C20099).
• A Variant must be linked to at least one Variation Point through a Variability Dependency (C24071).
• Two items must not be linked by more than one Excludes Dependency (C24073).
• Two items must not be linked by more than one Requires Dependency (C24074).
• Two items must not be linked by more than one Artifact Dependency (C24075).
• Two items must not be linked by both Requires and Excludes Dependencies (C24076).