UML Modeling Techniques > General flow diagrams - DEPRECATED > Overview of general flow diagrams > Checking a general flow diagram
Checking a general flow diagram
In Studio 7.0 and earlier versions, General Flow Diagrams were named Activity Diagrams: If you created Activity Diagrams in Studio version 7.0 or earlier and have upgraded, your Activity Diagrams are now called General Flow Diagrams in Modeler
Studio 7.1 included new Activity Diagrams, which you should use in preference to General Flow Diagrams. General Flow Diagrams are being deprecated and are included in Modeler only for backward compatibility.
Should you need to create General Flow Diagrams, they can now be created only from the Model or a Package. After creating a General Flow Diagram you can drag it to an Activity, Actor, Class, Data Type, Event, Interface,Operation, Subsystem or Use Case.
To check a general flow diagram:
Right-click the General Flow Diagram, point to Report, and then click Consistency.
The report is generated in the Output pane.
Modeler makes the following checks:
Each Action has at least one incoming flow (C24032)
Each Object that is linked to an item whose type is valid for appearing on a System Architecture Diagram, Concurrency Diagram or State Diagram (C24053).
Each Send Signal:
Has at least one incoming flow (C24058).
Has no more than one incoming flow (C24060).
Has at least one outgoing flow (C24059).
Has no more than one outgoing flow (C24061).
Is linked to nothing, an Event or an Operation (C24042).
Each Accept Event:
Has at least one incoming flow (C24058).
Has no more than one incoming flow (C24060).
Has at least one outgoing flow (C24059).
Has no more than one outgoing flow (C24061).
Is linked to nothing, an Event or an Operation (C24042).
Each Initial has a single outgoing flow and no incoming flows (C24049).
Each Activity Final has a single incoming flow and no outgoing flows (C24050).
Each Fork has either a single incoming flow and at least one outgoing flow, or at least one incoming flow and a single outgoing flow (C24052).
Each Decision has at least one incoming flow and at least one outgoing flow (C24048).