Integrity Modeler Installation > Installing Optional Modeler Components > Web Interface Installation > Administering Web Interface Websites
Administering Web Interface Websites
This topic covers the following administration tasks:
Managing the Visitors Log.
Configuring the Web Interface Website to Use HTTP.
Errors File and Status Log File.
Changing the password for the Web Interface website administrator.
Approve a new Web Interface website account.
Unlocking a Web Interface website account.
Deleting a Web Interface website account.
Viewing which users have client licenses taken for the Web Interface website.
Viewing which users have taken tokens for the Web Interface website.
Managing the Visitors Log
When a user views a Model through a Web Interface website, or successfully logs in or out, it is recorded in the visitors.txt file that resides in the following folder:
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\PTC Integrity Modeler Web Interface\settings
Over time the size of the visitors.txt file will grow, so you may want to delete or back up its content on a regular basis.
Configuring the Web Interface Website to Use HTTP
By default, PTC Integrity Modeler Web Interface websites are configured to use HTTPS/SSL. This configuration option ensures communication between clients and server is totally secure.
To configure the Web Interface website to use HTTP instead of HTTPS, see Configuring the Web Interface website to use HTTP.
Errors File and Status Log File
When an error occurs during a log in attempt to a Web Interface website, the full details of the error are recorded in a log file that is named errors.log. In addition, the status.log file records useful information about the status of the Web Interface website.
The error.log and status.log files reside in the following folder.
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\PTC Integrity Modeler Web Interface\settings
Important: The status.log file can become significantly large.
To Change the Password for the Web Interface Website Administrator:
For security reasons, you should change the default password that is used for the Web Interface website administrator account. You cannot change the user name.
Important: Be aware that if you forget the new password, there is no way of resetting the password.
1. From your web browser, connect to the Web Interface website.
The Log In page is displayed.
2. In the User Name box, type MWI_SiteAdmin, which is the user name for the Web Interface website administrator.
3. In the Password box, type P@55w0rd1.4, which is the default password for the Web Interface website administrator account.
4. Click the Log In button below the User Name and Password boxes.
5. From the Hello, <your user name> link, click <your user name>.
6. From the Manage Account page, in the Current Password box, type P@55w0rd1.4.
7. In the New Password and Confirm New Password boxes, type the new password for the administrator account.
8. Click Change Password.
To Approve a New Account:
This task applies only when a Web Interface website is set up so that new accounts must be manually approved by the Web Interface website administrator.
1. Connect to the Web Interface website.
2. Log in to the Web Interface website using the administrator user name (MWI_SiteAdmin) and password.
3. If the Admin Options page is not shown, click the Admin link in the toolbar.
4. Click the Manage User Accounts link.
5. In the User Name column, locate the user name for the account you want to approve.
In the Approved? column, a cleared check box indicates that the account has not been approved.
6. In the User Name column, click the user name for the account that you want to approve.
7. From the Manage User page, in the Approved? column select the check box for the account.
Note that you can un-approve an account by clearing this check box.
8. Contact the account user and inform them that their account has been approved.
The email address of the user is shown on the Manage Users page.
To Unlock an Account:
This topic applies only when the Web Interface website supports Web Interface website accounts.
1. Connect to the Web Interface website.
2. Log in to the Web Interface website using the administrator user name (MWI_SiteAdmin) and password.
3. If the Admin Options page is not shown, click the Admin link in the toolbar.
4. Click the Manage User Accounts link.
5. In the User Name column, click the user name for the account you want to unlock.
In the Locked-Out? column, the check box for the account should be selected.
6. In the User Name column, click the user name for the account you want to unlock.
7. From the Manage User page, in the Locked-Out? column click the Unlock User button.
8. Contact the account user and inform them that their account has been unlocked.
The email address of the user is shown on the Manage Users page.
To Delete an Account:
This topic applies only when the Web Interface website supports Web Interface website accounts.
1. Connect to the Web Interface website.
2. Log in to the Web Interface website using the administrator user name (MWI_SiteAdmin) and password.
3. If the Admin Options page is not shown, click the Admin link in the toolbar.
4. Click the Manage User Accounts link.
5. In the User Name column, locate the user name for the account that you want to delete.
6. In the Delete User column, click the Delete User button.
To view Which Users Have Client Licenses taken for the Web Interface Website:
1. Connect to the Web Interface website.
2. Log in to the Web Interface website using the administrator user name (MWI_SiteAdmin) and password.
3. If the Admin Options page is not shown, click the Admin link in the toolbar.
4. Click the Manage Used Licenses link.
The total number of available licenses and the number of licenses currently in use is displayed at the bottom of the Log in page.
The Web Interface administrator account does not use a license.
For more information about how client licensing of a Web Interface website works, see Client licensing of a Web Interface website.
To View Which Users Have Taken Tokens for the Web Interface Website:
1. Connect to the Web Interface website.
2. Log in to the Web Interface website using the administrator user name (MWI_SiteAdmin) and password.
3. If the Admin Options page is not shown, click the Admin link in the toolbar.
4. Click the Manage Issued Tokens link.