Customization > Automation Interface > Functions > For User Interface > Functions for Model Selection Dialog > ModelExplr function (deprecated) (automation interface)
ModelExplr function (deprecated) (automation interface)
This way of opening the selection dialog has been deprecated. For information about opening the Open Model dialog through the ArtisanModelFileDialog COM object, see Artisan Model File Dialog .
The ModelExplr function cannot be used from Visual Basic Scripts, because it uses ShowForm, but it can be used from a Visual Basic application.
The ModelExplr function opens the Model Selection dialog for you to select a model.
The following script demonstrates how to use the ModelExplr function to open the Model Selection dialog from a Visual Basic button.
Dim ctlModelSelect As Object
Dim objTempModel As Object
Dim gobjProjects As Object
Set gobjProjects = CreateObject("OMTE.Projects")
Set ctlModelSelect = CreateObject("ModelExplorer.ModelExplr")
If (ctlModelSelect.ShowForm(gobjProjects, objTempModel)) Then
MsgBox objTempModel("Name")
End If