Customization > Automation Interface > Functions > For User Interface > Functions for the Modeler Window > MoveMainWindow function (automation interface)
MoveMainWindow function (automation interface)
MoveMainWindow(<left position>,<top position>,<width>,<height>)
<left position> is a string that specifies the horizontal position of the top left corner of the Modeler window.
<top position> is a string that specifies the vertical position of the top left corner of the Modeler window.
<width> is a string that specifies the width of the Modeler window.
<height> is a string that specifies the height of the Modeler window.
MoveMainWindow sizes and moves the main Modeler window. This is similar to the Windows API MoveWindow function.
In this example, the Modeler window is moved to the given coordinates.
Call Studio.MoveMainWindow(100,100,400,500)