Integrations (PTC products, 3rd party products and code) > Code integration (Ada, ARINC 653, C, C#, C++, IDL, Java, SQL and VB) > C# code > C# code > Reverse engineering legacy C# code > Generating C# code > Generation of code comments (C# code)
Generation of code comments (C# code)
When ACS generates C# code from a Modeler item, the value of that's items Description property is generated a comment preceding the code that is generated for the item.
You can include comment markers in your item descriptions, or you can let ACS generate code markers for you:
If the first character of an item's Description property is not a slash mark ( / ), ACS generates the value of the Description property prefixed with /* and suffixed with */, so that it is generated as a block comment.
If you want to generate the Description property as a documentation comment, you can start the Description with an asterisk ( * ).
If the first character of an item's Description property is a slash mark ( / ), ACS generates the Description property as is, without prefixing or suffixing the Description value with any comment marks. If you want to generate a single line comment, for example, start the Description with two slash marks.