Integrations (PTC products, 3rd party products and code) > Code integration (Ada, ARINC 653, C, C#, C++, IDL, Java, SQL and VB) > C++ code > Generating C++ code > Generating C++ code > Mapping Information > Mapping information for state diagrams > State diagram mappings - submachine state (C++ code)
State diagram mappings - submachine state (C++ code)
ACS generates code for the State Diagrams that are referenced by Submachines when the following conditions are true:
The Submachine references a State Machine that is part of the same Class as the referencing Submachine.
Transitions enter and exit the Submachine through its Connection Point References.
Note that Modeler creates a Connection Point Reference for each Entry State and Exist State the referenced State Machine owns. On a State Diagram, you can populate a Submachine's Connection Point References: right-click the Submachine, point to Populate, and then click Connection Point References.