Integrations (PTC products, 3rd party products and code) > Code integration (Ada, ARINC 653, C, C#, C++, IDL, Java, SQL and VB) > Ada Code > Reverse engineering legacy Ada code > Concepts > Reverse engineering with code comments (Ada code)
Reverse engineering with code comments (Ada code)
The Reverser reverse engineers code comments.
Typically, the Reverser reverse engineers comments that precede and are on the same line as code elements. The comments are reverse engineered to the Description property of the item created for the code element.
For example, the code element for Class1 is prefixed by two comment lines. The two comment lines are reverse engineered to the Description property of the Class that is created in the Model.
-- Description of Class1 line 1
-- Description of Class1 line 2
package Package1.Class1 is
end Package1.Class1;
Note that the Reverser uses white space to delimit preceding comments. For example, if in the preceding example there was white space between the two comment lines, only the second comment would be reverse engineered.
-- Description of Class1 line 1

-- Description of Class1 line 2
package Package1.Class1 is
end Package1.Class1;
In the following example, an Ada comment precedes the code element and an Ada comment follows the code element for Attribute1. Both comments are reverse engineered to the Description property of the Attribute that is created in the Model.
package Package1.Class1 is
type Object;
type Object_Access is access Object;
type Object is tagged

-- This is Attribute1
Attribute1 : Integer; -- Desc. of
end record;
end Package1.Class1;
Comments associated with an Ada package specification declaration are reverse engineered, but comments associated with an Ada package body declaration are not reverse engineered.
Comments associated with a subprogram or task type declaration are reverse engineered, but comments associated with a subprogram or task type body are not reverse engineered.