Integrations (PTC products, 3rd party products and code) > Code integration (Ada, ARINC 653, C, C#, C++, IDL, Java, SQL and VB) > Automatic Code Synchronizer(ACS) > Generating code files from a model > Generating code files for selected packages only - multi-root mode (ACS)
Generating code files for selected packages only - multi-root mode (ACS)
Multi-root mode is available only for C++ code generation.
Multi-root mode provides a way of making ACS ignore sub-Packages that are in the scope of the root item selected in Launch ACS/TDK dialog. By working with only selected Packages the time taken to update the ACS cache can be reduced, which can make a significant difference when working with a large model.
When not working in Multi-root mode, you select a root item in the Launch ACS/TDK dialog and ACS generates code for that root item and all its sub-Packages. All code files are generated in the context of the root item.
When working in Multi-Root Mode, you still select a root item in the Launch ACS/TDK dialog, but then you select Multi-Root root items for which ACS generates code.
When ACS is working in Multi-Root mode you can set up multiple Packages as Multi-Root root items:
If a Multi-Root root item Package is in the scope of the root item selected in the Launch ACS/TDK dialog, then ACS generates the code files for that Multi-Root root item in the context of the root item selected in the Launch ACS/TDK dialog.
If a Multi-Root root item Package is not in the scope of the root item selected in the Launch ACS/TDK dialog, ACS generates the Multi-Root root item Package to the Target Directory specified in the Launch ACS/TDK dialog.
To make ACS work in Multi-Root root, you must start ACS with the MultiRoot configuration parameter set to 1, which you can do by typing -MultiRoot=1 in the Launch Options box of the Launch ACS/TDK dialog when you start ACS. You can also set configuration parameters through the Registry and a Configuration Parameter File. Tell me more...
After starting ACS in Multi-Root mode the first time, ACS does not generate any code because there are no Multi-Root root items set. While ACS is running in Multi-Root mode you can set up Packages as Multi-Root root items, show which Packages are set up as Multi-Root root items, and remove Multi-Root root items:
To set up a Package as a Multi-Root mode item: right-click the Package, point to ACS/TDK Root, and the click Add. After adding a Multi-Root root item, ACS immediately loads the cache and generates the code files for that Multi-Root mode item.
To show which Packages are set up as Multi-Root root items: right-click any Package, point to ACS/TDK Root, and the click Show. The Packages that are set up as Multi-Root root items are shown in the Results 2 pane.
To remove a Multi-Root root item: right-click the Package, point to ACS/TDK Root, and the click Remove. The Package remains, but it is no longer a Multi-Root root item.
When in Multi-Root mode, ACS does not delete any generated files, even if you click the Force Generation toolbar button.