Navigating through selection, parallel and iteration statements (Object Animator)
If you clear the Stop at Selection/Parallel check box on the Options dialog box, Object Animator steps through all parallel threads in order, steps through the first path in each Selection block, and steps through an Iteration block only once before continuing.
If you select the Stop at Selection/Parallel check box on the Options dialog box, Object Animator allows you to navigate through Selection, Parallel or Iteration statements as follows.
Selection Statements
If you step to a Selection statement, Object Animator opens Selection Statements window. The Selection Statements window allows you to select the required path through the sequence. After selecting the required outcome, continue by clicking the Step or Go command on the Run menu. To simulate the condition not being met, click the Skip command on the Run menu.
Parallel Statements
If you step to a Parallel statement, Object Animator opens Parallel Threads window. The Parallel Threads window allows you to select the required path through the sequence. After selecting the required thread, continue by clicking the Step or Go command on the Run menu. To skip a parallel block, click the Skip command on the Run menu.
Iteration Statements
If you step to an Iteration statement, Object Animator opens the Iteration window. The Iteration window allows you to step through the iteration by using the Step or Go command on the Run menu. To skip an iteration block, select the Skip command on the Run menu.