SysML, SysML 2.0, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > UPDM profiles > Getting started with a UPDM profile (UPDM)
Getting started with a UPDM profile (UPDM)
If this is the first time you have used a UPDM profile, read the introductory topics in the UPDM section of the Modeler Help.
If a UPDM edition profile has not been added to your model, add the required UPDM edition profile to your model. Adding a UPDM profile to a model (UPDM)
You cannot create UPDM products and most UPDM elements in a UML Package, so the first thing you typically need to do is create a top-level Architectural Description package: in the Packages pane, right-click the Model (or a UML Package), point to New, point to DoDAF/MODAF/NAF, and then click Architectural Description. Our examples use the MODAF edition of the UPDM profile.
From a top-level Architectural Description, you can then create child Architectural Descriptions in the same way, and also create Architectural Description scoped UPDM products and elements.
For detailed information about creating a particular UPDM product and element type, see the reference Help topic for that product and element.
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