Merge Node
A Merge node is a control node that represents the merging of its incoming Successions and the merging of control in the model. A Merge node has one or multiple incoming Successions and one outgoing Succession. The action connected to the outgoing Succession cannot start until any one of the actions connected to an incoming Succession has completed.
Creating a Merge node
To create a Merge node
1. On the System Structure Diagram ribbon toolbar, in the
Action Controls section, click the
Merge button.
2. On the diagram, click inside any one of the following items.
◦ Action definitions
◦ Action usages
◦ Perform action usages
◦ If actions
◦ While loop actions
◦ For loop actions
This creates the Merge Node in the diagram. You can use the Succession connections to connect other Action symbols to the Merge Node.