TellMe utility - working with the find tab (TellMe utility)
The Find tab allows you to find objects that are linked to the selected object in the browser through its associations. The Find tab is particularly useful when you know that two objects are related, but do not know which associations links them.
The Find tab works in the context of the object that is selected in browser; you can search only for objects that are linked to the selected object directly through an association. To search for objects, you specify the search criteria, and then click the Find button - the results of the search are then listed in the Results pane.
When you first click the Find tab, the associations listed in the Search Criteria match the association folders shown on the Browser tab.
You start by selecting the check boxes associated with the associations through which you want to search for objects. You can select all the check boxes (right-click an entry, and then click Select All) and then see which associations are used to link the found objects through the Found In Role(s) column.
To further refine the results of the search, you can evaluate the attributes of any objects found. To add an attribute evaluation to the search criteria, click the
To define an attribute evaluation, specify the Modeler automation interface name of the attribute, the operator, and the evaluating value:
• To change the attribute name or evaluating value, double-click the appropriate cell, and then type the text.
• To change the operator between = and <>, double-click the appropriate cell.
In the following example, a found object must be of type Class to appear in the Results pane.
When evaluating attributes, the Compare Type options determine how all attribute evaluations are performed:
• The Contains option means that the object attribute value must contain the specified value.
• The Exact Match option means that the object attribute value must match the specified value.
• The Like option means that the object attribute value is evaluated using the Microsoft Visual Basic Like operator, for example, E* for all values starting with E.
For more information about the Like operator, click
If you specify multiple attribute evaluations, the OR Criteria check box determines whether objects must satisfy at least one or all of the attribute evaluations:
• If the OR Criteria check box is selected, at least one attribute evaluation must be satisfied.
• If the OR Criteria check box is cleared, all attribute evaluations must be satisfied.
After the TellMe utility has performed a search and listed objects in the Result pane, you can investigate those objects further:
• You can make an object the top object in the Browser tab so that you can investigate that object's associations and attributes - right-click the object, and then click Select As Top.
• You can compare the attributes of objects listed in the Results pane through the Compare Items dialog - select the objects you want to compare, right-click one of the selected objects, point to Compare Items, and then click Selected Items. Alternatively, you can click the All Items command to compare all objects listed in the Results pane. For more information about the Compare Items dialog, see
TellMe utility - compare items dialog (TellMe utility).
• You can copy an object's name or id - right-click the object, and then click Copy Name or Copy ID.
• You can select an object in Modeler - right-click the object, point to Select In Modeler, and then click the appropriate command.
• You can add objects to a Result pane in Modeler - right-click the objects, point to Add To Results Pane 1 or Add To Results Pane 2, and then click All Items or Selected Items.