Variant diagram
For information about Orthogonal Variability Modeling (OVM) in Modeler, see
Overview of variability modeling in Modeler.
A Variant Diagram supports Variability modeling by allowing the creation of these item and relationship types:
• Variation Point - is a variable product line feature whose options are defined through Variants.
• Variant -is an option that can be chosen for a Variation Point.
• Alternative Choice - groups a set of Variability Dependencies and specifies the number of Variants that need to be included.
• Artifact Dependency - specifies that an artifact (any base model item) is associated with a Variation Point or Variant.
• Variability Dependency - specifies that a Variant is an option for a Variability Point.
• Excludes Dependency - specifies that the inclusion of a Variant or Variation Point requires the exclusion of another Variant or Variation Point.
• Requires Dependency - specifies that the inclusion of a Variant or Variation Point requires the inclusion of another Variant or Variation Point.
On a Variant Diagram you can use the preceding items and relationship to model variability in a model. You can create all the preceding items and relationships on any diagram, but using Variant Diagrams allows you to keep standard Modeler diagrams free from variability modeling information. If you want variability information to appear on your base model diagrams, you do not have to use Variant Diagrams.
Create a Variant Diagram from a Package, the Model or a Variation Point:
• Right-click the owning Package or Model, and select > > .
• Right-click the owning Variation Point, and select > .
The following sections provide information about how a Variant Diagram is used in the model. For more information about an item, property or model part, click it.
Shows these dictionary items
For most diagram symbols, you can change the presentation of the symbol through the Style view options (See
Style view options - all diagrams), and change the showing of Stereotypes and Tag Definitions through the Stereotypes view options (See
Stereotypes view options for a symbol - all diagrams). When a symbol has additional view options for changing its presentation, this icon

is shown - to see how the view options can change the presentation, click the

Dependency (types of Artifact, Excludes, Requires and Variability)

These items (which are not documented in the reference topics) can also appear on a Variant Diagram:
• Frame Box

- provides a way of adding a box or background image to the diagram.
• Note

- provides a way of adding text to the diagram.
• Note Link

- links a Constraint, Comment or Note to an item on the diagram.
A Variant Diagram has these properties:
Owned by
Used in these parts of the model
Can be linked to these dictionary items