Overview of the Heart Monitor C simulation
The Heart Monitor C model models a system for monitoring the heart rate of a patient. It displays each pulse of the patient on the Heart Beat display, and shows the intensity of each pulse through the Intensity LEDs and Meter. The Gain slider allows you to vary the gain of the system so that you can easily see the pulses on the Heart Beat display. The Rate Adjust slider allows you to simulate the heart rate of the patient.
The behavior of the Heart Monitor C has been modeled through the State Diagram in the Heart Monitor C model. This simulation allows you test the behavior of the state machine that has been generated from that State Diagram. The simulation allows you to simulate the Heart Monitor's user interface, and simulate the heart rate of the patient.
To find out more about the state machine being simulated, view the State Diagram in Modeler.
The Operations in the Heart Monitor C Model contain C code. If you installed Modeler to the default locations, the generated files reside in the following folder: %PROGRAMDATA%\PTC Integrity Modeler\Example\Heart Monitor C
The provided HeartMonitorUI.exe application is built using the C Win32 Animation Code Generator DLL.
Before generating and building the C Code application, ensure that you have built the dependent libraries. See
Overview of generating C code for system simulation in Modeler.