Model, Component, and Package Management > Component management > Component Sharing Wizard > Overview of Component Sharing Wizard (Component Sharing Wizard)
Overview of Component Sharing Wizard (Component Sharing Wizard)
The Component Sharing Wizard allows you to share components between models by exporting and importing the Packages that make up a component in a single operation. The Component Sharing Wizard allows you copy components directly from one model to another, or you can use the Component Sharing Wizard to export a component to a CWF file and then import that CWF file to any number of models. In addition, you can import and export CWF files to a supported CM tool project.
After selecting the Packages that make up a component, the Component Sharing Wizard analyzes the Packages selected for export and identifies any dependencies to items whose Packages have not been selected for import or export – the Component Sharing Wizard then allows you to include the Packages that own those dependent items so that the items are not imported or exported as stubs.
If the Id of a source Package matches the Id of a destination Package, the Component Sharing Wizard overwrites the matching destination Package. When one or more source Package matches a destination Package, you can display the differences between the source and destination Packages.
When updating a Package, the Component Sharing Wizard replaces the content of the target Package.
If the Component Sharing Wizard is going to make changes in a model that has change tracking enabled, the user interface allows you to select a Change Note to track any changes the Component Sharing Wizard makes.
When importing from and exporting to a directory, the Component Sharing Wizard uses a CWF file. CWF files are not compatible with the Package Import and Export commands in Modeler.
To use the Component Sharing Wizard you require a Modeler license and a Package Sharing license.
Importing and exporting components directly between models
The Component Sharing Wizard allows you to import and export components directly between models:
Through the Import From Model command, you can import a component from a model into the active Modeler model.
Through the Export To Model command, you can export a component from the active Modeler model to another model.
Importing and exporting components directly between models is the easiest way of sharing a component between two models.
Importing and exporting components through a directory
The Component Sharing Wizard allows you to import and export components through CWF files.
Through the Import From Directory command, you can import a component from a CWF file in a directory.
Through the Export To Directory command, you can export a component from the active Modeler model to a CWF file in a directory.
Using CWF files to share components is useful when you do not have a live connection between the two models, and when you want to import a component into many models.
Importing and exporting components through a CM tool
The Component Sharing Wizard allows you to import and export components between an active Modeler model and a supported CM tool project through CWF files:
Through the Import From CM command, you can import a component from a CWF file that is stored in a CM tool project.
Through the Export To CM command, you can export a component from the active Modeler model to a CWF file in a CM tool project.
Exporting to CM tool projects is useful when you want to use a CM tool to control the sharing of components.
The Component Sharing Wizard is provided with example code for working with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe; you may be able to customize this code to work with a different CM tool. The VisualBasic .NET source code that is used to work with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe is provided in the Modeler CSW_VSS folder. If you have installed Modeler to its default folder, the path of the CSW_VSS folder is as follows.
For 64-bit versions of Windows:
C:\ProgramData\PTC Integrity Modeler\CSW_VSS
For 32-bit versions of Windows:
C:\Program Files\PTC Modeler\Modeler\Exe\Example\CSW_VSS
For more information about working with other CM tools, please contact PTC.
Modeler creates stubs to maintain relationships with items that are not present in the target model.
When a Package or item is created as a stub, it has the following characteristics:
In Modeler panes, its icon includes this symbol (except for the Model).
When selected, STUB is displayed in the Modeler Status Bar.
Its properties are not fully populated, for example, the Description property will be blank.
It is read-only, irrespective of what access permissions you have to it.
Links to other items may not be included.
Stub items (except the Model or Packages) are not displayed in the Packages pane.
If you want to make a stub into a 'proper' item, you must import the Package that owns the item into the model.
To find stubs in the model: in the Packages pane, right-click the Model, and select Find > All Model Stubs (to find all stubs) or select Find > Unused Stubs (to find stubs that are not used by other items or diagrams).
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