Creating a user-defined review (Reviewer)
Creating a new user-defined review using the User Defined Properties window
1. On the Reviewer tab, click
Manage User Defined.
Reviewer opens the User Defined Reviews dialog.
2. Click the

New button.
Reviewer opens the User Defined Properties dialog.
3. In the Name box, type the name of the user defined review.
4. In the Description box, type the description of the user defined review.
5. Click the Review Script tab and type the script that is run for the user defined review.
For information about VB Script for user-defined reviews, click
6. If you want the

Fix It button to appear for failures of the user-defined review:
a. Select the Supports Fix It check box.
b. Click the Fix It Script tab and type the script that is run for the Fix It button.
7. If you want the

Fix All button to appear for failures of the user-defined Review:
a. Select the Supports Fix All check box.
b. Click the Fix It Script tab and type the script that is run for the Fix All button.
8. Click Save to save the script. You can also use the ALT+S key combination to save the script.
9. Click OK to save the script or Cancel to cancel the changes and exit.
The new review is stored in the user-defined reviews folder (%ProgramData%\PTC Integrity Modeler\ModelerATFiles\Reviewer\UserDefined) with a .rev extension.