Cloning a model through ScfUtils (Model Explorer)
ScfUtils provides a command line interface for performing Model Explorer functions. For a complete list of ScfUtils functions, refer to
Command Line Interface Overview of command line interface for Model Explorer functions (Model Explorer).
Through ScfUtils, you can clone a Model.
If you have installed Modeler to the default locations, ScfUtils resides in the following location:
For information about cloning a Model through Model Explorer, refer to
Cloning a model.
ScfUtils -clonemodel Enterprise \\SQL\<server>@<instance>\<database>\<model>\<version>" "<new model name>" <retain permissions 1 or 0> [\\SQL\<server>@<instance>\<database>"]
To clone to the same database:
ScfUtils -clonemodel Enterprise \\SQL\<server>@<instance>\<database>\<model>\<version>" "<new model name>" <retain permissions 1 or 0>
To clone to a different database:
ScfUtils -clonemodel Enterprise \\SQL\<server>@<instance>\<database>\<model>\<version>" "<new model name>" <retain permissions 1 or 0> \\SQL\<server>@<instance>\<database>"
• <server> specifies the name of the server on which the Database resides, and optionally the server on which the target Database resides. The case of the name must be correct.
• <database> specifies the name of the Database that owns the Model you want to clone, and optionally the target Database for the cloned model. The case of the name must be correct.
• <model> specifies the name of the Model you want to clone. The case of the name must be correct.
• <version> specifies the version of the Model you want to clone. If the Model has not been versioned, the version is 0.
• <new model name> specifies the name for the cloned Model.
• <retain permissions 1 or 0> specifies whether access permissions are retained in the cloned Model:
◦ 1 retains the access permissions of the Model being cloned.
◦ 0 sets the access permissions of the new Model to that of the owning Database, assuming some have been set. If no access permissions have been set up for the Database, the user that creates the Model is granted Owner access permissions to the model and all Packages, and the Public Write check box is selected for the model.
ScfUtils -clonemodel Enterprise "\\SQL\MyServer@MODELER\MyDatabase\MyModel\0" "my cloned model" 1
ScfUtils -clonemodel Enterprise "\\SQL\MyServer@MODELER\MyDatabase\MyModel\0" "my cloned model" 1 "\\SQL\\MyDatabase"