What's new in Integration for PTC Windchill
What was new in Integration for PTC Windchill 9.0
In Integrity Modeler 9.0, support has been withdrawn for Thingworx Trace Management (PE-SE).
What was new in Integration for PTC Windchill 8.5
The Integration for PTC Windchill provided with Modeler 8.5 does not include any significant changes.
What was new in Integration for PTC Windchill 8.4
The Integration for PTC Windchill provided with Modeler 8.4 included the following enhancements:
PTC Navigate Manage Traces Modeler Extension is now named ThingWorx Trace Management (SE-PE).
Thingworx Trace Management (PE-SE) has been enhanced to allow Windchill Parts to be linked to any Modeler dictionary item. The Modeler types that are eligible for linking can be configured, ensuring support for a wide range of trace link strategies.
The Thingworx Trace Management Setup utility has been enhanced to include steps for configuration and administration of types and link types.
Windchill Exporter now automatically defines all parent blocks of variable blocks as Windchill Configurable Module Parts.
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