Modeling a Visual Basic subfolder in a model (Visual Basic code)
A Visual Basic subfolder is modeled through a Modeler Package.
In addition to generating a subfolder for a Package, ACS may also generate a unit file for a Package if required.
To model a Visual Basic subfolder in a model:
1. In Modeler, right-click the Model or Package that represents the parent folder of the subfolder you want to create, point to New, and then click Package.
2. Type the name of the subfolder, and then press the Enter key.
3. Open the Package's Property Pages.
4. On the Options tab, ensure that the Folder option is selected.
5. Set the values of the Package's standard properties and Tag Definitions (applied by the «VB Unit» stereotype) as required.
For more information, see Setting a tagged value for an applied tag definition and the related links below.
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