SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > UPDM profiles > Overview of UPDM support (UPDM)
Overview of UPDM support (UPDM)
The Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM 2.1) is an Object Management Group® (OMG®) modeling standard that supports the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and the Ministry of Defense Architecture Framework (MODAF).
The Modeler Help for using the UPDM Profiles assumes that you have a good working knowledge of Modeler and UPDM 2.1.
Modeler supports UPDM 2.1 through the following UPDM Profiles:
UPDM Profile (Core) - provides the core products, elements and functionality for UPDM. The UPDM aliases profiles that follow define the terminology that is used for those core UPDM products and elements in the model, that is, MODAF, DoDAF or NAF.
Unless you are creating your own aliases profile for UPDM, select one of the following UPDM aliases profiles to add to your model. When you add a UPDM aliases profile to a model, Modeler adds the required UPDM Profile (Core) profile as well.
UPDM Profile (MODAFaliases) - sets up the UPDM Profile to use UPDM 2.1/MODAF 1.2 terminology.
For information about the products and elements that you can create in the model when using the MODAF aliases profile, see the topics in the UPDM > 'Products and Elements - MODAF Aliases' section of the Modeler Help.
UPDM Profile (DoDAF aliases) - sets up the UPDM Profile to use UPDM 2.1/DoDAF 2 terminology.
For information about the products and elements that you can create in the model when using this DoDAF aliases profile, see the topics in the UPDM > 'Products and Elements - DoDAF Aliases' section of the Modeler Help.
UPDM Profile (NAF aliases)– sets up the UPDM Profile to use UPDM 2.1/NAF 3.1 terminology.
For information about the products and elements that you can create in the model when using this NAF aliases profile, see the topics in the UPDM > 'Products and Elements - NAF Aliases' section of the Modeler Help.
Compliance level
The Modeler UPDM Profiles comply with the UPDM Compliance Level 1, which means that the UPDM Profiles extend both the SysML and UML profiles.
Requirements for adding and using a UPDM profile
To add the UPDM Profile to a model you require a Modeler license and a UPDM Profile license. You also require Database Write access permissions to the Model's Database.
To use the UPDM Profile you require a Modeler license and a UPDM Profile license.
Some of the UPDM Products require Microsoft Excel. The UPDM Profiles uses Microsoft Excel to create and view tabular and matrix based products.
By default, Modeler generates UPDM products that are tables and matrices as HTML for viewing in your internet browser. However, you can set up a model so that UPDM tables and matrices are generated as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for viewing in Microsoft Excel. If you want to view tables and matrices in Microsoft Excel, you must have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer. For information about which versions of Microsoft Excel are supported, see the Modeler Release Notes.
When you add a UPDM Profile to a model, the SysML Profile and UML Profiles are automatically added to that model.
Add a UPDM profile to a model through the Add Profile command on the Tools menu. See Adding a UPDM profile to a model (UPDM).
Copying and merging the UPDM profiles
Do not make changes to a UPDM profile. Any changes you make will be lost when the profile is updated.
Note that you can create Tag Definitions outside of a UPDM profile, and link those Tag Definitions to Stereotypes in a UPDM profile. When the UPDM profile is updated, the links will not be broken.
Do not create copies of the UPDM profile within a model, or create copies of the UPDM profile through XMI Import/Export. The copies of the UPDM profile will not work correctly and you will not be able to update the copies through the Update All Profiles command.
Customizing UPDM profiles
You can customize the SysML Profile in the following ways:
Extend the properties and linking capabilities of UPDM items
Create your own aliases for the diagrams, items and links that appear in the UPDM profile.
Create new item and link types that are based on UPDM item and link types through lightweight extensions.
For more information about customizing the SysML Profile, refer to Customizing a UPDM profile .
Getting the most out of the help
To get the most out of the UPDM profiles, read the introductory topics in the UPDM section of the Modeler Help.
For information about a specific UPDM product or element:
From Modeler, right-click the Product or Element, and then click Help.
In the Modeler Help, find the reference product or element topic in the UPDM section of the Modeler Help.
Removing unwanted UPDM topics from the help
If you using a particular UPDM profile, you may want not want the product and element reference topics for the other two UPDM profiles to appear in the Modeler Help.
For example, if you are using the UPDM Profile (DoDAF aliases) profile, you can remove the UPDM Profile (MODAF aliases) and UPDM Profile (NAF aliases) profile reference topics from the Modeler Help.
To remove the product and element reference topics for a UPDM profile from the Modeler Help:
1. Locate the help file for the UPDM profile that you want to remove from the help.
If you installed Modeler to the default locations, the help files reside in the following location.
For 64-bit versions of Windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windchill Modeler\Modeler\Exe
For 32-bit versions of Windows:
C:\Program Files\Windchill Modeler\Modeler\Exe
The help files are named as follows:
Help file for the UPDM Profile (DoDAF aliases) profile: updm21dodaf.chm.
Help file for the UPDM Profile (MODAF aliases) profile: updm21modaf.chm.
Help file for the UPDM Profile (NAF aliases) profile: updm21naf.chm.
2. Change of the file extension of the help files you want to remove from chm to chmx.
Note that if in future you want to return a help file to the Modeler Help, change the file extension back to chm.
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