%endfor keyword (SDL script)
The %endfor keyword specifies the end of a For loop.
For more information about For loops, see
For loop (SDL script).
For a collection of items:
%for "<link type>" [%separator "<separator characters>"]
<set of statements>
For a global list:
%for %getlist "<list name>" [%separator "<separator characters>"]
<set of statements>
For a local list:
%for %getlocallist "<list name>" [%separator "<separator characters>"]
<set of statements>
The <link type> is the automation interface name of the link type that links the current item to other items. For more information about the automation interface names of link types, see Object Attributes and associations under the Automation Interface chapter of the Windchill Modeler Help, and then click the required item type. The link types are listed in the Associations section.
This example works in the context of an Operation and uses the 'Parameter' automation interface association to process the Operation's Parameters. For each Parameter, the Parameter.sdl template is loaded.
%for "Parameter"
%load "Parameter.sdl"