Testing and Launching a Web Interface Website
After you have set up a Web Interface website, you can start the website, test that it works as expected, and then launch the website so that it is available to users.
If user accounts need to be approved by the Web Interface website administrator, you should have a process in place to ensure that accounts are approved promptly and that users are informed when their accounts are approved.
The installation program sets up a Web Interface website as an HTTPS website. You can configure it as an HTTP website if desired.
For more information about configuring the Web Interface website to use HTTP, see Testing and Launching a Web Interface Website.
To allow access of Models that have special characters in their names, allowDoubleEscaping is set to true in the win.config file: <requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true" />.
If you set allowDoubleEscaping to false, a Web Interface website may not be able to access Models that have non-alphanumeric characters in their names.
To Start and Test a Web Interface Website:
1. From the computer that is hosting the Web Interface website, start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
To start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager: from the Run text box, type inetmgr, and then press the Enter key.
2. In the Connections pane, select Application Pools.
3. In the central pane, select Windchill Modeler Web Interface.
4. In the Actions pane, click Advanced Settings and set Load User Profile to True.
5. If the Status of the Web Interface website is Started, in the Actions pane click the Stop link.
6. In the Actions pane click the Start link.
7. In the Connections pane, expand the Sites entry, and select the Windchill Modeler Web Interface site.
8. In the Actions pane, click Restart.
9. In the Manage Web Site section of the Action pane, click the Browse entry.
10. Your default browser should open the Log In page of the Windchill Modeler Web Interface website.
Log in to the website. In the Navigation pane, expand the SQL root item and you will see the Servers and Databases that have been bookmarked through the PTC-IM-WSU user.
11. Open the port 57850 on the firewall.
12. Confirm that you can access the Web Interface website from another computer.
For example, if the name of the hosting computer is Test1, you can use the following URL: https://test1:57850/
13. Test that the website is working as expected:
Ensure that the Web Interface website can be accessed through its URL.
Ensure that the authentication of users is working as you expected. If you are using Web Interface website accounts, ensure that they can be created and managed as required.
Ensure that the security needs of ALL the models that can be accessed through the Web Interface website are as required.
When a user can view models through a Web Interface website, that user can view ALL the Models that are Public Read or Public Write in ALL the Databases that can be accessed through that Web Interface website.
After you have tested the website, change the administrator password before launching the website.
To Change the Password for the Web Interface Website Administrator:
For security reasons, you should change the default password that is used for the Web Interface website administrator account. You cannot change the user name.
Be aware that if you forget the new password, there is no way of resetting the password. If you forget the password, contact PTC for assistance.
1. From your web browser, connect to the Web Interface website.
The Log In page is displayed.
2. In the User Name box, type MWI_SiteAdmin, which is the user name for the Web Interface website administrator.
3. In the Password box, type P@55w0rd1.4, which is the default password for the Web Interface website administrator account.
4. Click the Log In button below the User Name and Password boxes.
5. From the Hello, <your user name> link, click <your user name>.
6. From the Manage Account page, in the Current Password box, type P@55w0rd1.4.
7. In the New Password and Confirm New Password boxes, type the new password for the administrator account.
8. Click Change Password.
After changing the Web Interface website administrator password, launch the website.
To Launch a Web Interface Website:
Inform users that the Web Interface website is available.
You may want to provide the following information to the users:
The URL for connecting to the Web Interface website.
Contact information for the Web Interface website administrator.
Which models can be viewed through the Web Interface website.
How they should log in to the website, that is, whether they can log in through their Windows user name or password, or whether they need to create an account.
If they need to create an account, whether that account will need to be approved by the Web Interface website administrator.
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