Installation > Getting Started > Default SQL Server Configuration
Default SQL Server Configuration
This topic contains and refers to SQL Server 2017–specific information. If you have installed a different SQL Server version, you must search for your version-specific information at
The Windchill Modeler installation program sets up a SQL Server 2017 Express instance named MODELER as part of Standalone and Server Only installations by default. SQL Server provides database storage and management services. In Model Explorer, databases are used to store, organize, and distribute models. For a list of all supported versions of SQL Server, see the Release Notes document.
The following table outlines SQL Server system and Windchill Modeler databases following an installation:
System Databases – master, msdb, model, and tempdb
SQL Server System databases are hidden by default in Model Explorer. For more information, see the following SQL Server help topic:
System Databases
Installed as part of Web Interface. Contains Web Interface user account information.
Optional component—Contains the Windchill Modeler Example Models.
Optional component—An empty database that’s used to store Models.
Your SQL Server instance may contain additional databases that are used by programs and services other than Windchill Modeler.
The SQL Server Express Edition 2017 provided with Windchill Modeler has the following limitations:
CPU support is limited to one socket and up to four cores
1GB of RAM for each SQL Server instance
10GB maximum database size
If you have multiple SQL Server instances installed on one server, databases names in each instance must unique for the server.
While Express edition is sufficient for Standalone Windchill Modeler installations, these limitations can have a direct impact on performance for larger server deployments.
For more information on supported features for each SQL Server edition, refer to the following help topic:
Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2017
If your production requirements exceed the capabilities of Express Edition, you should consider installing SQL Server Standard or SQL Server Enterprise.
To install Windchill Modeler using a SQL Server instance other than the one provided with Windchill Modeler, do the following:
1. Install and configure a SQL Server instance. For more information on supported SQL Server versions, refer to the Windchill Modeler Release Notes document.
For more information on how to install and configure SQL Server, refer to the following SQL Server help topic:
Install SQL Server 2017
2. Run the Windchill Modeler installation program, and in the Installation Wizard connect to your SQL Server instance:
For Standalone; follow the instructions in Performing a Standalone installation.
For Server Only; follow the instructions in Performing a Server Only installation.
3. Execute the adminscript_master.sql script on the master database of SQL Server instance using SQL Server Management Studio.
To execute a script in SQL Server Management Studio, do the following:
a. On the computer running the SQL Server instance, start SQL Server Managment Studio.
b. Connect to the SQL Server instance.
c. Click File, point to Open, then click File...
d. In the Open File dialog box, select the adminscript_master.sql script, then click Open.
The full path to the script is C:\Program Files (x86)\Windchill Modeler\Modeler\System\SQLScripts\adminscript_master.sql
e. With the script open, select the master database from the drop-down list in the SQL Editor toolbar, then click Execute.
f. Confirm that the Query executed successfully message appears.
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