Package (automation interface)
A scoping mechanism for items in the model.
Note that you can refer to a Package item using the Category name.
Important When you retrieve the type of a Package, it is returned as Category.
In addition to the
common attributes
Access Permissions
A textual property that defines the access permissions of a Package.
The syntax is as follows:
<name>,<user or group>,<permissions>[;<name>,<user or group>,<permissions>]
• <name> is set to the name of the user or group
• <user or group> is set to either User or Group as appropriate
• <permissions> is set to Owner and Write.
For example:
Access is read/write.
Attribute Order
A textual property that records the order of the Package's Attributes. For example:
Access is read/write.
You can use the ReorderItem function to change the order of the Attributes. For more information, click here

A string describing whether the Package is browsable. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
A textual property that gives an overview of the dictionary item.
Access is read/write.
Is Profile Package
A Boolean property that specifies whether the Package is a profile Package. Profile Packages appear as high-level folders in the Find Model Items dialog. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Note that when a Package has its Is Profile Package attribute set to TRUE, the Package is linked to the Dictionary item through the Profile Package association.
Effective Language
A derived string that specifies the Code Editor language for the Package when no value is set for the Language attribute.
The derived Effective Language value can be overridden by Language values set for child Packages, Operations and Action Nodes.
If the Language and Effective Language attributes are both blank, no Language is set for the Package. If the Code Editor cannot find a language to use, it uses the default language of C++.
When a value is set for the Language attribute, the Effective Language attribute is blank.
For information about how the Code Editor language can be derived, click here

Access is read-only.
A string that specifies the Code Editor language that is set for the Package.
The specified language can be overridden by Language values that are set for child Packages, Operations and Action Nodes.
If no Language value is set, the Code Editor uses the language that is specified by the derived Effective Language attribute.
For information about the supported languages, click here

Access is read/write.
Merge Package Permissions
A string describing whether the access permissions of a Package are exported when using the Package Import/Export > Export command. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Operation Order
A textual property that records the order of the Package's Operations. For example:
Access is read/write.
You can use the ReorderItem function to change the order of the Operations. For more information, click here

Package Code Mapping
A string describing whether ACS should generate the Package as a subfolder or namespace for C++.
The string can be set to Folder or Namespace.
Access is read/write.
A string that returns the current user's access permissions to the Package, that is, either Read, Write or Owner.
Access is read-only.
Profile Prog Id
A string that specifies the name of a com object that is then available to all your profile scripts, except on delete scripts. The name must be a valid com object that can be created through a VB script CreateObject function.
Note that if the Profile Prog Id contains non-alphanumeric characters, those non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with underscores.
Access is read/write.
A string describing whether the Package is protected. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.
Access is read/write.
Note that if the Package is under configuration control, you cannot change the Protected property manually.
Template Class
This attribute is no longer used.
Access is read/write.
In addition to the
common associationsRelationship to Comments that are applied to the Package.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Relationship to Constraints that are applied to the Package.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
A collection of Boards that run the software of a Package.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
See also Contained Board.
Contained Board
A collection of Boards that are scoped by the Package.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
See also Board.
A collection of items that are dependees of the Package (as defined through Dependencies).
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
A collection of Dependencies for which the Package is the dependee.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
A collection of Dependencies for which the Package is the dependent.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
A collection of items that are dependent on the Package (as defined through Dependencies).
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Formal Template Parameter
The Formal Template Parameters that are owned by the template Package.
Modeler ensures that Formal Template Parameters on a template Package match associated Actual Template Parameters on a bind Dependency. If you create Formal Template Parameters through the automation interface, you must ensure that they match any associated Actual Template Parameters.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Relationship to Comments that are owned by the Package.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Relationship to Constraints that are owned by the Package.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Package Item
A collection of all items scoped to this package.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
A collection of all child Packages.
Multiplicity is 0+, access is read/write.
Relationship with parent package.
Multiplicity is 0-1, access is read/write.
Each of the following associations are a collection of items (whose type is that of the association name) that are scoped by the Package. In each case, the multiplicity is 0+, and the access is read/write:
• Activity
• Actor
• Attribute
• Basic Type
• Boards are contained through the Contained Board association
• Board IO Device Type
• Board Type
• Change Note
• Channel
• Class - see UML Class
• ClassLike (Class, Data Type, Interface and Signal items) - ClassLike returns the items that Class returned in Studio version 7.3 or earlier.
• Constraint
• Constraint Type
• Contained Board (for collection of scoped Boards)
• Contained Stereotype (for collection of scoped Stereotypes)
• Contained Tag Definition (for collection of scoped Tag Definitions)
• Data Type - see UML Data Type
• Database
• Decision Set
• Disk
• Disk Type
• Event
• Event Flag
• Exception
• Format Template Parameter
• Increment
• Instance
• Interface - see UML Interface
• Interface Device
• Interface Device Type
• Mailbox
• Memory Type
• Monitor
• Multidrop Bus
• Multidrop Bus Type
• Operation
• P2P Connection Type
• Package
• Pool
• Processor Type
• Script
• Semaphore
• Signal - see UML Signal
• State Machine
• Stereotypes are contained through the Contained Stereotype association
• Subsystem
• Table
• Tag Definitions are contained through the Contained Tag Definition association
• Task
• Ternary Association
• TypeDef
• UML Class - see also ClassLike
• UML Data Type - see also ClassLike
• UML Interface - see also ClassLike
• UML Signal - see also ClassLike
• Use Case
• Variant
• Variation Point
If you use these items on add, for example:
Package.Add ("<class name>")
then this will prevent you from adding more than one item of the same name to a package.