What's new in Java code generation and reverse engineering (Java code)
The Java code generation and legacy reverse engineering provided with Modeler 8.5 does not include any significant changes.
What was new in Java Synchronizer version 8.4
The Java code generation and legacy reverse engineering provided with Modeler 8.4 includes the following changes:
The Java Generator now supports generation of stubs for Classes used by State Machines.
The Java Generator now supports ThingWorx properties on roles.
The Electric Car Charger example model example has been restructured to separate the user interfaces out from the car and charger thus demonstrating inter-process communication via a comms broker (car - charger) and via direct naming (car – dashboard display, charger – charger UI).
What was new in Java Synchronizer version 8.3
The Java code generation and legacy reverse engineering provided with Modeler 8.3 included the following changes:
The Java Code Generator DLL now generates code to support PTC ThingWorx.
For information about generating Java code for systems that can work with ThingWorx Mashups and systems that can communicate using the ThingWorx AlwaysOn protocol, see Overview of integration for ThingWorx.
New Electric Car Charger (Java) model that is provided in the Examples database. This model demonstrates how to set up a model to generate Java code for use with PTC ThingWorx.
What was new in Java Synchronizer version 8.2
This section provided information about what was new in Java code generation and legacy reverse engineering in 8.2.
The Java code generation and legacy reverse engineering provided with Modeler 8.2 includes the following changes:
From the Launch ACS/TDK dialog, you now select Code Generator DLLs by default, rather than Scheme.ini files.
What was new in Java Synchronizer version 8.1
This section provided information about what was new in Java code generation and legacy reverse engineering in 8.1.
The Java code generation and legacy reverse engineering provided with Studio 8.1 does not include any significant changes.
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