New document pane (Publisher)
The New Document pane lists default and user defined Document Templates:
The default templates are PTC provided Document Templates that cannot be removed.
The user defined Document Templates are Document Template that you have added to the New Documents pane.
To generate output directly from a Document Template: open the publication model in Modeler, set the options on the Generate pane as required, right-click the Document Template, point to Generate To, and then click Word or Publisher HTML. The output is generated to the folder specified in the Output Path box on the Generate pane.
To export a Document Template: right-click the Document Template, and then click Export Template. From the dialog, select the destination folder, and then click Save.
To import a Document Template: right-click the background of the New Document pane, and then click Import Template. For the dialog, select the exported Document Template file, and then click Open.
To create a Document Definition from a Document Template: right-click the Document Template, and then click Create Document.
To change the name or description of a Document Template: right-click the Document Template, and then click Edit Template.
To delete a Document Template: right-click the Document Template, and then click Delete Template.
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