Using Strings for Name Definitions
You can use strings to define variables, arguments, or elements in arrays or tables. A string is enclosed within quotation marks, for example, "123".
A text string can be any group of characters including letters, numbers, punctuation, and spacing as well as special symbols. Characters in text strings can be mapped to ANSI codes.
A number string is a string containing characters that constitute a real, complex, floating point, negative, positive, exponential (engineering notation), hexadecimal, octal, or binary number. These strings can be interpreted by the str2num function. Spaces in number strings are ignored.
You can mix strings freely with numbers in matrix elements. For example, you can use strings as column labels.
A few built-in functions take strings as arguments, but in most cases you cannot use strings with functions or operators.
A string, while not limited in size, always appears as a single line of text. You can enter up to 1024 (210) explicit characters when defining a string. To create longer strings, concatenate two or more individual strings.
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