To Print Worksheets
In the Title Bar, click

, then click
Print. The
Print dialog box opens.
1. In the Select Printer group, select a printer name.
◦ To print the worksheet to PDF, select Microsoft Print to PDF.
◦ To print the worksheet to XPS, the Microsoft XML Paper Specification format, select Microsoft XPS Document Writer.
2. In the Page Range group:
◦ To print the whole worksheet, click All. This is selected by default.
◦ To print the active page as displayed in the status bar, click Current Page.
◦ To print a single page or page range, click Pages. In the Pages text box, type the page numbers you wish to print. Use a dash to indicate a page range. For example, type 1-3 to print pages one through three. Typing a comma results in error.
3. To print one or more regions from one or more worksheet pages:
a. Close the Print dialog box.
b. Press Ctrl or Shift, and select one or more regions from one or more worksheet pages. If you select at least one region on a page, the entire page will print.
c. Open the Print dialog box.
d. In the Page Range group, click Selection.
4. Click Print.