Customizing Your Worksheet
From the Document tab, you can change default settings for any of the following items to suit your requirements:
• Use the options in the Page group to customize settings for the printed worksheet:
◦ Page Size—Sets the print page size to Letter, Legal, A3, A4, and so on.
◦ Page Orientation—Sets the page orientation to Portrait or Landscape.
◦ Margins—Sets the margin type to Standard, Narrow, Wide, or Legacy.
You can also select Custom Margins and independently set each of the four margins on a page:
▪ When you set a custom margin, Last Custom Setting appears at the top of the list of margin types. This option saves the last custom settings that you applied to any of the open worksheets, and only applies to the current session of PTC Mathcad Prime.
▪ If you open a second worksheet and apply another set of custom margins, then Custom is added to the bottom of the list of margin types. This option displays the custom settings of the active worksheet.
▪ You can select a different type of margin for each worksheet in your PTC Mathcad Prime session.
▪ Show Grid—Toggles the display and printing of gridlines on the page.
▪ Grid Size—Sets the grid size to Standard or Fine.
▪ Show Major Gridlines—Toggles the display of major gridlines on the page.
◦ Show Frame—Shows a frame around the chosen part of the page: header, footer, or page body. The frames are visible on printed worksheets.
• Use the options in the View group to customize settings for the page appearance:
◦ Page—Displays the worksheet in print view. This is a view of the printed worksheet.
▪ The margins, headers, and footers are displayed.
▪ Regions located in the draft page are hidden.
▪ Draft page math regions affect the calculation of the worksheet.
▪ When the draft page contains any regions, a
Switch to Draft View button

appears on the right side of the worksheet. Click

to switch to draft view.
◦ Draft—Displays the worksheet in draft view. This view displays the main worksheet page and a draft page to the right of the vertical dashed line.
▪ Margins, headers, and footers do not appear.
▪ The content of the draft page is visible but not printable.
▪ Draft page math regions affect the calculation of the worksheet.
▪ Use the horizontal scroll bar to reach the right edge of the draft page.
◦ Drag the zoom slider to zoom into or zoom out from the page.
The options in the View group are also available in the task bar of the worksheet.