Vectors, Matrices, and Tables > Keyboard Shortcuts for Editing Arrays and Tables
Keyboard Shortcuts for Editing Arrays and Tables
When using keyboard keys to navigate arrays, the navigation takes place in one of four directions:
Forward Direction
—Cursor moves right from current row position until it reaches the end of the current row. Next, it moves to the first element in the next row down, if any, and so on until it has moved through the bottom row.
Backward Direction
—Cursor moves left from current row position until it reaches the start of the current row. Next, it moves to the last element in the next row up, if any, and so on until it has moved through the top row.
Downward Direction—Cursor moves down from current column position to the next element down in the same column, if any, and so on until it reaches the bottom element in the column.
Upward Direction—Cursor moves up from current column position to the next element up in the same column, if any, and so on until it reaches the top element in the column.
Inserts a new row below the current row if the cursor is located anywhere in the row. The new row is inserted above the current row if the cursor is located at the leftmost entry point of the first row element.
Inserts a new column to the right of the current column if the cursor is located anywhere in the element. The new column is inserted to the left of the current column if the cursor is located at the leftmost entry point of the current element.
Moves the cursor from its current position in a Forward Direction fashion.
Moves the cursor from its current position in a Backward Direction fashion.
Moves the cursor from its current position in a Downward Direction fashion.
Moves the cursor from its current position in an Upward Direction fashion.
Moves the cursor right to the end of the next element in the current row in a Forward Direction fashion. If the current placeholder is empty, the cursor bypasses all remaining array elements and jumps to the rightmost entry point of the array.
Moves the cursor left to the start of the previous element in the current row in a Backward Direction fashion. If the current placeholder is empty, the cursor bypasses all remaining array elements and jumps to the leftmost entry point of the array.
Moves the cursor to the next element in the row in a Forward Direction fashion. Pressing Tab after reaching the last element creates a new empty row.
Moves the cursor to the previous element in a row in a Backward Direction fashion.
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