FIR Filters by Remez Exchange
• remez(vg, vr, vw, n)—Returns coefficients for an FIR filter of length n generated by the Remez exchange algorithm.
• vg is a real vector, a grid of frequencies between 0 and 0.5.
• vr is a real vector of values between 0 and 1, the same length as vg. Contains the frequency response over vg.
• vw is a real vector of values between 0 and 1, the same length as vg. Contains error weight over vg.
• n is an integer, the length of the filter n is at least 8.
Additional Information
The remez function is sensitive to the chosen number of coefficients. Always check filter gain against the desired frequency response. If the match is poor, change n to a larger value until the desired response is achieved.