Task 6–1: Inserting and Formatting Text
In the Worksheet Area
1. Open the shipping.mcdx worksheet you saved in Task 5–2.
The data in this worksheet describes the weight, value, and freight charges of imported goods that were shipped from Mexico to the state of Vermont in May 2009. The data is taken from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
2. To add a title, click on the top-left corner of the worksheet grid and press Ctrl+Shift+T. A text block stretches across the full page.
Alternatively, on the Math tab, in the Regions group, click Text Block.
3. Type the following text: Import from Mexico to the state of Vermont in May 2009.
4. To format the title text style, select the title text and then, on the Text Formatting tab, in the Text Font group, select the following options:
◦ Font: Arial
◦ Font size: 16
◦ Font style: Bold
◦ On the Text Formatting tab, in the Paragraph group, select Center Text.
5. To add space, click between the title and the data table and press Enter a few times. You can press Delete or Backspace to remove unnecessary space between regions.
6. To insert a text box in the space between the title and the table, press Ctrl+T. Add the following text for describing the data in the table:
Weight: Commodity weight in kilograms
Value: Commodity value in U.S. $
Charges: Aggregate shipping charges on imports in U.S. $
7. Format the text in the text box as needed.
8. Save the worksheet.
In the Header or Footer Area
1. To insert and format text in the worksheet header, double-click the area above the grid.
Alternatively, on the Document tab, in the Headers and Footers group, click Header.
2. To insert the date when the file was last saved, click the top-left corner of the header area, and then on the Document tab, in the Headers and Footers group, click Saved Date and select the mm/dd/yyyy date format.
3. To insert the file name, click below the saved date region, and then click File and select Name.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the worksheet, and then double-click in the center of the footer area.
5. To insert the page number, click # Page Number and select Page #.
6. Save the worksheet.