Task 1–1: Navigating and Customizing the PTC Mathcad Workspace
In this exercise you are required to navigate the PTC Mathcad workspace and Help Center.
1. In PTC Mathcad, examine the Math tab, and click other Ribbon tabs to view their buttons and commands. All operators, functions, units, symbols, matrices, and plot features are available from the Ribbon. Place the pointer over a Ribbon item to view more information on specific commands.
Each Ribbon tab is divided into groups. For example, on the Math tab, in the Operators and Symbols group, you can find the Operators, Symbols, Programming, Constants, and Symbolics lists.
2. Click the
PTC Mathcad Button

to view the list of commands in it, and then examine the Quick Access Toolbar located next to the
PTC Mathcad Button.
3. To add a button to the Quick Access Toolbar, on the Math tab, in the Regions group, right-click the Text Block icon, and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar from the shortcut menu.
| By default the Quick Access Toolbar is to the right of the PTC Mathcad Button and above the Ribbon. |
4. To remove the added button, right-click it, and select Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.