Symbolic Engine Enhancements
Updates and enhancements to the Symbolic engine in PTC Mathcad Prime
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Release: PTC Mathcad Prime
Watch this video to learn more about PTC Mathcad Prime symbolic engine enhancements:
Benefits and Description:
PTC Mathcad Prime continues to enhance the symbolic engine. The following updates and enhancements have been made:
• Symbolic Solving of ODEs
◦ Symbolic solving of Ordinary Differential Equations with full support for first order ODEs and partial support for higher order ODEs. You can now solve linear forms of ODEs and ODEs that you can reduce to linear form.
• Logarithmic Integral Functions
◦ Adding all new Logarithmic integral functions to the Symbolic Functions category, including:
▪ li(x) — logarithmic Integral function
▪ Li(x) — offset logarithmic integral function
• Elliptic Integral Functions
◦ Adding all new Elliptic integral functions to the Symbolic Functions category, including:
▪ ellipticF(z, m) - incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind
▪ ellipticK(m) - complete elliptic integral of the first kind
▪ ellipticE(z, m) - incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind
▪ ellipticE(m) - complete elliptic integral of the second kind
▪ ellipticPi(z, n, m) - incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind
▪ ellipticPi(n, m) - complete elliptic integral of the third kind
• Symbolic Solve Block (find)
◦ You can now symbolically solve a system of equations using the find function in solve blocks. If it is possible to solve, the solution is given in terms of variable names.
• Symbolic Assumption on Function
◦ Like in existing variable assumptions, you can now make assumptions about a function result using the assume keyword.
• Definite Integral with complex limits
◦ Symbolically evaluate definite integrals with complex boundaries.
• Improvements to Calculus Operators
◦ Improved performance and added supported use cases for calculus operators, including:
▪ Derivative
▪ Limits
▪ Integrals, including integral performance in some cases
▪ Summation
• General keyword improvements
◦ Improved functionality and added supported use cases for keywords, including:
▪ solve
▪ series
▪ parfrac
▪ confrac
▪ assume
• General function improvements
◦ Improved functionality and added supported use cases for functions evaluated symbolically, including:
▪ Jacobian
▪ root
▪ Integral transforms
▪ laplace and invlaplace