To Add and Format Minor Gridlines
1. Insert a Chart component, define the X and Y expressions, plot the trace, and then double-click the plot area to open the PTC Mathcad Chart application.
2. In the Ribbon, click the Axes tab.
3. Click the Axes Styles: X Gridlines template to show the X gridlines. An example plot with default x gridlines is shown below:
4. Click the x icon

, and then click the
Gridlines tab.
5. To display minor gridlines, select the Minor Gridlines checkbox. This enables the Color, Style, Thickness, and Frequency fields.
6. Select the desired Color, Style, and Thickness.
7. Select the desired Frequency.
For example, the chart below shows minor gridlines color of red, style of a dotted line, thickness of line width 1, and frequency of 3:
A frequency of 3 results in the display of three minor gridlines between each major tick mark.
| • You can display the minor gridlines only, the minor tick marks only, or both. • The Frequency value applies to both minor gridlines and minor tick marks. |
To Format the Minor Tick Marks
The Frequency field is enabled when either the Minor Gridlines or the Minor Tick Marks checkbox is selected.
To format the minor tick marks:
1. Select the Minor Tick Marks checkbox. This enables the Frequency field if the Minor Gridlines checkbox is not selected.
2. Select the desired Frequency from the drop-down list, if needed.
For example, the chart below shows minor gridlines and minor tick marks of frequency 3:
To restore the formatting settings of any group, click the clear formatting icon

Use the same procedure to format the y-axis minor gridlines and minor tick marks.